Anavar Oxandrolone Golds Pharma



Anavar Oxandrolone Golds Pharma

Anavar Oxandrolone help patients regain weight after surgery, pain, or trauma. It can help the body recover quickly from side effects caused by long-term use of corticosteroids. It can also treat bone pain due to osteoporosis.

How to use:
Week 1 to week 2 (3 tabs/day). Drink 30 minutes before breakfast. You can also drink it 30 minutes before exercise.
Week 3- week 10 dose increase (5 tabs/day)
Drink 30 minutes before breakfast. You can also drink it 30 minutes before exercise.

About Anavar Oxandrolone Golds Pharma

1 cycle requires 3 bottles of anavar

Function: increase muscle time
removing water content in the body, sharpening the definition of muscle mass
Increase power and stamina

Drink 3 to 5 tabs before breakfast.
Or it could be 30 min before exercise.
Drink every day for 10 weeks

Packaging: 1 box (10mg x 100tabs)

Manufacturer: Gold Pharma


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